Mazda 6 manuals

Mazda 6 Service Manual: Oil leakage inspection

Using UV Light (Black Light)

1. Remove on the engine or transaxle.


2. Pour the fluorescent dye into the engine oil or ATF (or transaxle oil).

3. Allow the engine to run for 30 minutes.

4. Inspect for dye leakage by irradiating with UV light (black light), and identify the type of oil that is leaking.

5. If no dye leakage is found, allow the engine to run for another 30 minutes or drive the vehicle then reinspect.

6. Find where the oil is leaking from, then make necessary repairs.


Not Using UV Light (Black Light)

1. Gather some of the leaking oil using an absorbent white tissue.

2. Take samples of engine oil and ATF (or transaxle oil), both from the dipstick, and place them next to the leaked oil already gathered on the tissue.

3. Compare the appearance and smell, and identify the type of oil that is leaking.

4. Remove any oil on the engine or transaxle/transmission.

5. Allow the engine to run for 30 minutes.

6. Check the area where the oil is leaking, then make necessary repairs.

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