1. Remove the A/C unit. (See A/C UNIT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
2. Remove the heater core from the A/C unit.
3. Inspect for cracks, damage, and coolant leakage.
4. Inspect for bent fins.
5. Verify that the heater core inlet and outlet pipe are not distorted or damaged.
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Cylinder head gasket
Fuel vapor is hazardous. It can very easily ignite, causing
serious injury and damage. Always keep sparks and flames away from fuel.
Fuel line spills and leakage are dangerous. Fuel can ignite and
cause serious injuries or death and damage. Fuel ...
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Evaporator temperature sensor inspection
1. Turn the AUTO switch on.
2. Set the temperature control at MAX COLD (Turn the left).
3. Turn the A/C switch.
4. Set the RECIRCULATE mode.
5. Close all doors and windows.
6. Wait for 5 minutes.
7. Remove the glove compartment.
8. Disconnect the evaporator temperature sensor.
9. Measure t ...