Mazda 6 manuals

Mazda 6 Owners Manual: If a Warning Light Turns On or Flashes

If any warning light turns on/flashes, take appropriate action for each light. There is no problem if the light turns off, however if the light does not turn off or turns on/flashes again, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer.

The warning contents can be verified on the center display.

1. If the warning light is turned on, select icon on the home screen to display
the application screen.

2. Select “Vehicle Status Monitor” to display the current warnings.

3. Select “Warning Guidance” to display the current warnings.

4. Select the applicable warning to view the warning details.

Warning/Indicator Lights and Warning Sounds

Stop Vehicle in Safe Place Immediately
If any of the following warning lights turns on, the system may have a malfunction. Stop the vehicle in a safe place immediately and contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer. ...

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