Mazda 6 manuals

Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Current Fuel Economy

This displays the current fuel economy by calculating the amount of fuel consumption and the distance traveled.

Average Fuel Economy
The average fuel economy is calculated every minute from the total traveled distance on the trip meter and the total fuel consumption, and the average fuel economy for either TRIP A or TRIP B is d ...

Maintenance Monitor
The following maintenance period notifications can be displayed by turning the Maintenance Monitor on. Scheduled Maintenance Tire Rotation Oil Change For the setting method and indication ...

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COMPRESSION INSPECTION Warning Hot engines and oil can cause severe burns. Be careful not to burn yourself during removal/installation of each component. 1. Verify that the battery is fully charged. Recharge it if necessary. (See BATTERY INSPECTION.) 2. Warm up the engine to the no ...

Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Rear brake (disc) removal/installation
1. Remove in the order indicated in the table. 2. Install in the reverse order of removal. 3. After installation, depress the pedal several times, rotate the wheel by hand, and verify that the brake does not drag. Disc Pad Installation Note 1. Turn the manual adjustment gear counterclockwi ...

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