1. Inspect for continuity between the audio amplifier connector terminals and woofer connector terminals using an ohmmeter.
2. Verify that there is battery positive voltage at the woofer connector terminal A (4SD) or C (5HB) using a voltmeter.
3. Inspect continuity between the woofer connector terminal B and body ground using an ohmmeter.
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Solenoid valve removal/installation
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the under cover.
3. Remove the control valve body. (See CONTROL VALVE BODY REMOVAL.)
4. Remove the solenoid valve(s).
5. Apply ATF to a new O-ring and install it on the solenoid valve.
6. Install the solenoid valve in the control valve body. ...
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Dtc c1095, c1096
When attaching the tester lead to the ABS (ABS/TCS) HU/CM harnesses
connector the SST (49 G066 001) must be used. (See ABS (ABS/TCS) HU/CM
Diagnostic procedure