1. Inspect for resistance between the tweeter terminals using an ohmmeter.
2. To verify that the tweeter outputs sound, apply voltage to the tweeter and release using a 1.5-V battery.
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Fuel pump unit disassembly/assembly
Fuel line spills and leakage are dangerous. Fuel can ignite and
cause serious injuries or death and damage. Fuel can also irritate skin and
eyes. To prevent this, do not damage the sealing surface of the fuel pump
unit when removing or installing.
1. Disassemble in the order ...
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Intermittent rear wiper relay inspection
1. Connect the connector to the intermittent rear wiper relay.
2. Connect the negative battery cable.
3. Measure the voltage at the intermittent rear wiper relay using voltmeter.
When inspecting terminal D for continuity, disconnect the intermittent
rear wiper relay connector.
4. If the ...