Mazda 6 manuals

Mazda 6 Service Manual: Sunroof motor installation

Mazda 6 Service Manual / Body / Sliding sunroof / Sunroof motor installation

1. Connect the sunroof motor connector.

2. Connect the sunroof switch connector.

3. Connect the negative battery cable.

4. Turn the ignition switch to ON position.

5. Press the CLOSE side of the slide switch until the sunroof motor stops.

6. Disconnect the sunroof switch connector.

7. Install the screws, and then install the sunroof motor.

8. Install the headliner.

Sunroof motor removal
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 2. Remove the headliner. 3. Disconnect the connector. 4. Remove the screws, and then remove the sunroof motor. ...

Sunroof motor inspection
Motor 1. Remove the sunroof motor. 2. Apply battery positive voltage to the sunroof motor terminals and inspect the operation of the sunroof motor. If not as specified, replace the sunroof mot ...

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