Follow Schedule 1 if the vehicle is operated mainly where none of the following conditions (severe driving conditions) apply.
If any do apply, follow Schedule 2. (Puerto Rico and Canada residents follow Schedule 2.)
Engine oil flexible maintenance is available for U.S.A. and Puerto Rico residents whose vehicle is operated mainly where none of the following conditions apply.
If any do apply, follow Schedule 2 with engine oil fixed maintenance.
The onboard computer in your vehicle calculates the remaining oil life based on engine operating conditions when selecting flexible maintenance. Mazda Genuine 0W-20 Oil and Castrol® 0W-20 Oil are required to achieve optimum calculation performance.
After the prescribed period, continue to follow the described maintenance at the recommended intervals.
Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Steering angle sensor inspection
With DSC
1. Remove the column cover. (See COLUMN COVER REMOVAL/INSTALLATION)
2. Disconnect the steering angle sensor connector.
3. Connect battery positive voltage to terminal A and ground to terminal F of
the steering angle sensor.
4. Turn the steering wheel to the right and left, and verify ...
Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Location index
Engine Room Side
Fuel tank side
Engine room side