Airflow Inspection
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the purge solenoid valve. (See PURGE SOLENOID VALVE REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
3. Inspect airflow between the ports under the following conditions.
Circuit Open/Short Inspection
1. Disconnect the PCM connector. (See F43 PCM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
2. Inspect the following wiring harness for open or short (continuity check).
Open circuit
- Purge solenoid valve terminal A (harness-side) and PCM terminal 4U
- Purge solenoid valve terminal B (harness-side) and main relay terminal C (harness-side)
Short circuit
- Purge solenoid valve terminal A (harness-side) and body GND
- Purge solenoid valve terminal B (harness-side) and power supply
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Clock spring inspection
1. Remove the clock spring.
2. Inspect for continuity between the clock spring terminals using an
If not as specified, replace the clock spring.
When the vehicle-side connector of clock spring is disconnected,
the terminals 1A,1B, 1C and 1D are shorted to prevent ...
Mazda 6 Service Manual: Running light unit inspection
1. Connect the connector to the running light unit.
2. Connect the negative battery cable.
3. Measure the voltage at the running light unit using voltmeter.
When inspecting terminal D, H or P for continuity, disconnect the running light unit connector.
4. If the value are not as specif ...