Mazda 6 manuals

Mazda 6 Service Manual: Oil pan



1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.

2. Remove the under cover.

3. Drain the engine oil. (See ENGINE OIL REPLACEMENT.)

4. Remove the engine front cover. (See TIMING CHAIN REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)

5. Remove in the order indicated in the table.

6. Install in the reverse order of removal.

7. Inspect the oil level. (See ENGINE OIL INSPECTION.)

8. Start the engine and inspect for oil leakage.

Oil Pan Installation Note

1. Use a square ruler to unite the oil pan and the cylinder block junction side on the engine front cover side.

2. Apply silicone sealant to the oil pressure switch threads as shown.

3. Tighten the bolts in the order shown.

Oil cooler
LF, L3 1. Remove the under cover. 2. Drain the engine coolant. (See ENGINE COOLANT REPLACEMENT.) 3. Remove the oil filter cover, and drain the engine oil into a container. (See OIL FILTER REPLACE ...

Oil pump
OIL PUMP REMOVAL/INSTALLATION 1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 2. Drain the engine oil. (See ENGINE OIL REPLACEMENT.) 3. Remove the oil pan. (See OIL PAN REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.) 4. Remove ...

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