With LED Headlights
With Halogen Headlights
Never touch the glass portion of a halogen bulb with your bare hands and always wear eye protection when handling or working around the bulbs:
When a halogen bulb breaks, it is dangerous. These bulbs contain pressurized gas. If one is broken, it will explode and serious injuries could be caused by the flying glass.
If the glass portion is touched with bare hands, body oil could cause the bulb to overheat and explode when lit.
Always keep halogen bulbs out of the reach of children:
Playing with a halogen bulb is dangerous. Serious injuries could be caused by dropping a halogen bulb or breaking it some other way.
When removing the lens or lamp unit using a flathead screwdriver, make sure that the flathead screwdriver does not contact the interior terminal. If the flathead screwdriver contacts the terminal, a short circuit may occur.
Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Towing hooks
The towing hooks should be used only in an emergency (to get the
vehicle out of a ditch or a snow bank, for example).
When using the towing hooks, always pull the cable or chain in a
straight direction with respect to the hook. Apply no sideways force.
1. Remove the tow ...
Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Selector lever inspection
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON (engine OFF).
2. With the brake pedal depressed, verify that there is a "click" at each
range when shifted.
3. Verify that the selector lever can be shifted.
4. Verify that there is a "click" at each position when shifted from P
position to L range.
5. Ver ...