Mazda 6 manuals

Mazda 6 Service Manual: Filament repair

1. Use isopropyl alcohol to clean around the damaged section of the filament.

2. Attach tape above and below the damaged section of the filament.

3. Using a small brush or marking pen, repair the filament with silver paint or equivalent.

4. After 2-3 minutes,

carefully remove the tape without disturbing the repaired area.


5. Use a hot air blower heated to 150 °C {302 ° F}

for 30 minutes

or let the paint set for 24 hours at 25 ° C {77 ° F}

to allow it to dry completely.

Rear window defroster

Filament inspection
1. Turn the ignition switch to ON position. 2. Turn the rear window defroster switch on. Caution Directly touching the rear window defroster filament with the lead of the voltmeter will damag ...

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Mazda 6 Service Manual: A/c unit removal/installation
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 2. Discharge the refrigerant from the system. (See RECOVERY.) (See CHARGING.) 3. Drain the engine coolant. (See ENGINE COOLANT REPLACEMENT.) 4. Remove the dashboard. (See DASHBOARD REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.) 5. Remove the theft-deterrent control module. (See ...

Mazda 6 Service Manual: Dtc b1318
Caution When attaching the tester lead to the ABS (ABS/TCS) HU/CM harness connector, the SST (49 G066 001) must be used. (See ABS (ABS/TCS) HU/CM INSPECTION.) Diagnostic procedure ...

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