Mazda 6 manuals

Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Current Fuel Economy

This displays the current fuel economy by calculating the amount of fuel consumption and the distance traveled.

Average Fuel Economy
The average fuel economy is calculated every minute from the total traveled distance on the trip meter and the total fuel consumption, and the average fuel economy for either TRIP A or TRIP B is d ...

Maintenance Monitor
The following maintenance period notifications can be displayed by turning the Maintenance Monitor on. Scheduled Maintenance Tire Rotation Oil Change For the setting method and indication ...

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Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Dsc system inspection
Preparation 1. Verify that the battery is fully charged. 2. With ignition switch on, verify that the ABS warning light goes out after 2.4 seconds. 3. Turn the ignition switch off. 4. On level ground, jack up the vehicle and support it evenly on safety stands. 5. Shift the transaxle to N posi ...

Mazda 6 Owners Manual: Lights-On Reminder
The lights-on reminder is operable when the time setting*1 of the auto headlight off function is off. If lights are on and the ignition is switched to ACC or off, a continuous beep sound will be heard when the driver's door is opened. *1 If the light switch is left on, the auto headlight off f ...

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